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BS4: When technology meets flexibility of shapes

Innovation and technology for simple and filled biscuits

A machine born from real needs: Sandorè immediately perceived that food production is in continuous evolution and a solution able to give vent to the imagination with extreme attention to the shape of each single product is what every industry would need. BS4 is the first extruder screw machine designed for simple and filled biscuits, energy bars, bakery and much more, which deposits the product directly on the baking tray. From a detailed project and an in-depth study carried out by expert technicians of the research and development department, the BS4 system has structured features and accessories to ensure high performance and precision in treat doughs of different entities.

Versatility and ease of use

the BS4 plant is designed to speed up and optimize the production process of biscuits and bakeries of multiple shapes and doughs, such as round or elongated biscuits with or without filling, maamoul, as well as savory products such as breadsticks and crackers. It is constructed with an extrusion head, diaphragm knife and guillotine: elements that allow the realization of cookies, in addition of course to a series of other features that make it a truly viable solution , versatile and perfect for any production.

Other features:

  • PLC with 7'' Touch Panel
  • All stainless steel metal parts
  • 6 augers for extrusion

Watch the video of the BS4 in operation or download the catalog to discover all the secrets of food innovation signed Sandorè:

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